Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The completion of my Journey

Oh my goodness this year is going fast isnt it...... once again I am shocked by how long it has been since I posted... well life has been treating me pretty good with the band, a while back I had a fair amount of fill taken out and decided to try life for a while with a little more normality.. well this has paid off, my weight dropped again and I am now happy to say Im down to 94kgs and have decided to go ahead with the tummy tuck.

All year I have been listening to the opinions of others and how they would express that maybe I was rushing it and that i should wait but I have done a lot of soul searching over the past few months and decided that I am very happy where I am, I am proud of myself and what I have achieved not only for me but for my family. The only thing holding back that last incling of confidence would be the huge amount of skin hanging in front of my stomach which is as Ive mentioned before causing more problems that just costmetic.

So Ive decided to go with it and complete my journey...

The big day will be the 22nd of Sept, I am so excited but also nervous, thankfully I have some wonderful friends who have already been through it to ask lots of questions to, and a fantastic surgeon who is about the only one Ive ever met with a sense of humor and a great communicator, hence makes this easier and gives me more confidence in the decisions I am making.

So stay posted people, of course I'll add some before and after shots soon
Take care